Thursday, February 13, 2020

What do Advertisements Tell Young People They Should Value Essay

What do Advertisements Tell Young People They Should Value - Essay Example Advertising has been part of American life for centuries, and has certainly always had some kind of effect on the behaviour of Americans in a wide variety of ways. Throughout the past ten to twenty years, however, the amount of advertising exposure and kind of advertising has changed significantly, and may have an increased effect on American youths. It is incredibly difficult to construct a causal relationship between advertising and behaviour, something that advertisers have used to their advantage to fight regulation throughout history, from the cigarette era to today. The problems of determining causal relationships are myriad, but most simply rest on the well known idea that correlation is not causation: wearing your favorite team’s jersey and them winning does not indicate any causal relationship between your jersey choice and your team’s success. Furthering the complexity of this problem is the fact that advertising in fact mirrors many of the issues inherent to many forms of media, such as film and television, in, for instance, constructing unrealistic ideas of beauty. Advertisers, for instance, are often blamed on helping to cause eating disorders, while there may be many different societal and media factors at work in those issues. To construct a causal relationship, one must therefore go much further than simply analyzing correlation (though correlation certainly plays some part in the analysis). Through analyzing the behaviour advertisers, the explosion of new media, the psychological makeup of young adults, and the correlation between youth behaviour and advertising, it is possible to construct a causal relationship between advertiser’s construction of the ideals of beauty and negative behaviour among young adults, such as the development of eating disorders. The first thing that must be unequivocally establishes is the fact that advertising does, in fact, affect behaviour. This is its whole point of the entire industry, to lea d people to buy products. There are various interpretations of the role of advertising. The most generous would say that advertising merely influences behaviour through demonstrations of a product’s usefulness to its client; advertising affects behaviour merely through informing (). The least generous would say that advertising twists people’s emotions, world view, and so on, in order to manipulate them into buying a given product (). The truth is probably somewhere in between, that advertising does rely on a product’s abilities, but that advertising also manipulates viewers to a significant extent. That advertising affects people’s behaviour can be seen merely by the size of the industry: it is a multi-hundred billion dollar industry worldwide (Shaman, 2012), and a single thirty second spot in the Super Bowl can sell for â€Å"upwards of $5 million† (Shaman, 2012). There is no way corporations would spend this kind of money on advertising if they were not confident in its

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Cultural diversity in America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Cultural diversity in America - Essay Example Culture influences basically in the way of behavior, way of living, and way of speech. It is a habit formation that takes place when one grows in a particular society and the innate quality to learn from his surrounding in order to cope up with his environment is the unique part of character inherent in human being which develops while growing in the community. Culture has substantial influence in groups and individual each human is the product of the culture where he lives that even has an unconscious influence on each human it has become human identification. Most of the society has their own culture and are proud of its culture, and when two or more cultures come in contact together there arises a diversity in that culture. United State is highly enriched with cultural diversities as people from all over the world settled here leading to cultural differences. Most of Americans face cultural differences in their life. Globalization brought the world together and with the development of global economic system and the rise of international cooperation and business community has helped to bring people from all over the world with different cultures into face-to-face contact. It has been a providing shelter for every one, hence people from all over the world are migrating to America, and America is a nation with diverse cultures and has always taken pride in their diversity. Culture has always attracted anthropologists, educators, historians, and sociologists to explore various aspects of culture and its implications in their field. The dive rsity of culture also brought conflicts between various cultural groups and caused various social problems. Cultural diversity in America has been a matter of debate and people from different cultures face problems in schools, colleges, universities, institutions, government and business circle What constitutes race and ethnic character of human is the out ward physical and